Premium Data Audit For Data Innovation Training

Data Audit for Data Innovation is the process that seeks to diagnose and later provide recommendations that facilitates the realistic planning, collection, process, usage, transmission, and storage of data in a manner that supports a fluent innovation and attainment of expected ROI. Leaders today manage organizations operating in highly complex, dynamic, and globally competitive business environments. In this age of data, the world is becoming more data-driven by the day. Scientific data analysis has become all-pervasive, making it one of the fastest-growing and most profoundly important fields in management. the managers need to learn how to interpret their data to make decisive decisions

Operational data must maximize your impact whilst reducing the work needed to achieve strategic objectives. The ability to use internal and external data is a skill that must help us to solve business problems and avoid the insanity of repeating the same action while expecting different results. Only organization leaders with a razor-sharp capability to consume and interpret data-rich environments and precisely translate that into functional strategic decisions will successfully command future industry leadership and competitive dominance

This world-class offering is designed for business executives seeking to be that agents of transformative change within their organizations. Nakala Analytics' experiences in Big Data analytics and Audits provide the most important platform to learn the new ways of identifying and exploiting the full potential of your data.


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, learners will gain the ability to: 
  1. Learn how to perform a big data audit for data science before investing in a data analytics projects
  2. Learn how to create a data analytics project strategy following a data audit for data science.
  3. Review all existing data and data sources (both primary and secondary
  4. Asses data collection tools, pipelines
  5. Identify gaps in the data ecosystem that may prevent the organization from achieving its strategic objectives and recommending a way forward
  6. Learn how to identify additional innovation avenues that the organizations have not taught about also called the "Data-Rich and Data in"

Course Objectives

  1. To empower businesses with the ability to innovatively match strategic pillars with business analytics capabilities to create a focus for data-driven processes in the business.
  2. To gain the ability to investigate data to make accurate and meaningful data analytics investments.

Course Target Group.

An understanding of how data science techniques can be applied to influence successful strategic decision-making is crucial for every analyst in any modern-day organization. This training course is essential for professionals with an interest in data science and could be well suited for:

  1. CTOs, CIOs & COOs
  2. Auditors
  3. HODs
  4. Any other interested person

Training Methodology

This training course will combine instructor-led presentations with interactive discussions between participating delegates that relate to their interests. It is presented very hands-on to suit individuals with varying levels of knowledge and experience. In addition, practical exercises, video material, and case studies will stimulate and support these discussions to provide maximum benefit to the participants. Above all, the course facilitators will make extensive use of case examples and case studies based on real-life strategic issues and situations in which he has been personally involved.

Follow up procedure

We follow up with the learners twice within two months after training to ensure the impacted skills are practiced and have a meaningful impact on the business.

1. Advanced Requirements Elicitation Framework.  
2. Data Investigation Methods & Tools. 
3.  Information Compilation & Data Analysis.  
4. Audit Report. 

Course Duration, Location & Investment

 Online Mode:

Date:               On demand
Duration:         3 Hours per week for 3 weeks
Investment:     0

Physical Mode:

Date:               18th June 8:00AM-3:00PM 
Duration:         1 day
Venue:             TBD
Investment:     5

Chief Facilitator:
       Mr. Kavingwa E.
Chief Data Analytics/Data Science Consultant
       Nakala Analytics Ltd
       Bsc, Msc. Data Analytics
       Specialities: Health, Fintech,NGO, Audit, AI and Big Data Strategy


  • A laptop & stable internet connection

  • A good grasp of your corporate strategic intent and objectives

For more Information and enquiries

Email: or

Call: +254778 178 098

Registration Form